


Sustainable dinning practice is dear to our hearts. Every dish we create embodies our brand philosophy and vision. Our food is the cumulation of independent farmers' dedication and care for our environment.

  • 支持小農,回饋土地



    Born into a farming family, our founder Dr. Xie has a unique emotional bond to the land she grew up on.

    Committed to giving back to our beloved land, VGest carefully selects quality local produce for our dishes., and we are dedicated in providing fresh and natural farm to table gourmet for your enjoyment.

  • 旅居國外,啟發蔬食新想像

    謝博士旅居墨爾本期間,深受當地新潮的蔬食文化啟發,近一步與蔬食國宴主廚 Vincent 共同操刀創立心中的理想品牌,打破長久以來蔬食的刻板印象,逾40年多年紥紥實實的練功夫精神,充分利用食材天然的原味,將蔬食觀念融入人們日常喜愛的餐點中。以獨特的“Vizza”表達蔬食不但美味、健康,更是一種善待自己與環境的新生活態度。


    Captivated by Melbourne's vibrant vegetarian culture while living abroad, Dr. Xie collaborated with renowned Chef Vincent to create their desired brand, VGest.

    With over 40 years of expertise, they are dedicated to creating delicious and comforting meals that defy people's misconceptions about vegetarian cuisine.

    The unique vegetarian pizza, "Vizza", embodies deliciousness, health, and the mindful approach to both oneself and the environment.


  • VGest 低碳披薩 創辦人
  • 國立高雄科技大學 國際企業博士
  • 澳洲維多利亞大學 餐旅教育碩士
  • 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會 榮譽會員
  • 采風新創國際有限公司 總經理
  • 崇德發蔬食餐廳 營運管理暨藝術顧問
  • 長榮大學助理教授
  • 采風美術館 策展人、邀展人、館長
  • 采風堂門人 - 李奇茂大師封門弟子
  • 國際禮儀接待員乙級、飲料調製乙級等45張餐旅相關證照
  • 博論題目:Predication of Knowledge Management for Success of Franchise Hospitality in a Post-Pandemic Economy


